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cleaning:do-not-use [2025/01/02 02:31] eldougcleaning:do-not-use [2025/01/02 02:33] (current) eldoug
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 In the same realm as Alcohols and solvents.... In the same realm as Alcohols and solvents....
-{{:cleaning:windex.jpg?nolink&200|}} +{{:cleaning:windex.jpg?nolink&200|}} ==== Windex/RainX ====
-==== Windex/RainX ====+
 Now look.... both have alcohol in them. So re-read above. But see the other problem is that Windex is a glass cleaner (they do make a multisurface cleaner, but even that has alcohol in it) and RainX has a decent amount of alcohol in it as well. (You'll see a trend where the "Do not use" stuff, usually just has alcohol in it. Now look.... both have alcohol in them. So re-read above. But see the other problem is that Windex is a glass cleaner (they do make a multisurface cleaner, but even that has alcohol in it) and RainX has a decent amount of alcohol in it as well. (You'll see a trend where the "Do not use" stuff, usually just has alcohol in it.
 {{:cleaning:brasso.jpg?nolink&200|}} {{:cleaning:brasso.jpg?nolink&200|}}
 ==== Brasso==== ==== Brasso====
 You'll often find Brasso (or similar brass cleaners) in game stores. They usually use it for cleaning pins (you know what I'll say about that), but I've seen more than a few stores use brasso on plastic to remove dirt and smudges. Brasso is a whole bunch of "stuff" you don't really want around your games. (hey weird fact, Brasso and some lighter fluids have similar compounds), but safe to say, it's another thing on the list you just don't want to use. It's an inhalation risk, a fire risk, doesn't really work to clean things, just all around sort of useless for video game cleaning. (It can work to clean brass in PCBs, but it's way more aggressive than what most pins need! We'll get into pin cleaning I promise!) You'll often find Brasso (or similar brass cleaners) in game stores. They usually use it for cleaning pins (you know what I'll say about that), but I've seen more than a few stores use brasso on plastic to remove dirt and smudges. Brasso is a whole bunch of "stuff" you don't really want around your games. (hey weird fact, Brasso and some lighter fluids have similar compounds), but safe to say, it's another thing on the list you just don't want to use. It's an inhalation risk, a fire risk, doesn't really work to clean things, just all around sort of useless for video game cleaning. (It can work to clean brass in PCBs, but it's way more aggressive than what most pins need! We'll get into pin cleaning I promise!)