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cleaning:do-not-use [2025/01/02 02:31] eldougcleaning:do-not-use [2025/01/02 02:33] (current) eldoug
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 In the same realm as Alcohols and solvents.... In the same realm as Alcohols and solvents....
-{{:cleaning:windex.jpg?nolink&200|}} +{{:cleaning:windex.jpg?nolink&200|}} ==== Windex/RainX ====
-==== Windex/RainX ====+
 Now look.... both have alcohol in them. So re-read above. But see the other problem is that Windex is a glass cleaner (they do make a multisurface cleaner, but even that has alcohol in it) and RainX has a decent amount of alcohol in it as well. (You'll see a trend where the "Do not use" stuff, usually just has alcohol in it. Now look.... both have alcohol in them. So re-read above. But see the other problem is that Windex is a glass cleaner (they do make a multisurface cleaner, but even that has alcohol in it) and RainX has a decent amount of alcohol in it as well. (You'll see a trend where the "Do not use" stuff, usually just has alcohol in it.