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start [2024/03/12 13:09] jonasroslandstart [2024/04/27 23:57] (current) jonasrosland
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 Finally, there are communities and non-profit organizations dedicated to game preservation that welcome contributors. Groups like the [[https://www.preservegames.org/|Video Game Preservation Collective (VGPC)]] bring collectors together to share knowledge and materials. Non-profits like [[https://hitsave.org|Hit Save!]] and the [[https://gamehistory.org/|Video Game History Foundation]] raise funds and awareness to ensure our interactive heritage is not lost to time. Finally, there are communities and non-profit organizations dedicated to game preservation that welcome contributors. Groups like the [[https://www.preservegames.org/|Video Game Preservation Collective (VGPC)]] bring collectors together to share knowledge and materials. Non-profits like [[https://hitsave.org|Hit Save!]] and the [[https://gamehistory.org/|Video Game History Foundation]] raise funds and awareness to ensure our interactive heritage is not lost to time.
 +===== Acknowledgements =====
 +This is a project sponsored and maintained by **[[https://hitsave.org|Hit Save!]]**, a registered 501©(3) non-profit dedicated to the preservation of video games, their history, and related physical and digital materials.
 +Logo is **[[https://www.flaticon.com/free-icons/flower|Flower icons created by Eucalyp - Flaticon]]**